OfFiCiAlLy TeRmInAtEd
36. Saucestalk 3 in Sioux Falls 8-15-04

Dan's last show

Well as you can tell this was Dan Carlson's last show with the band.  There was a kind of sadness over the whole day.  We drove about three hours to Sioux Falls, SD. to a kids garage.  He had turned his garage into a venue and was doind an all day festival there.  We arrived a couple hours early and just sat around and had our usual fun.  We went on around 7:00 and had about 35 minutes to play.  We did the usual set and had a blast.  The only thing was we were out of place.  This wasn't saucestalk this was EMO-Stalk.  I have never seen so many emo kids in my life.  Of course as always none of them got or liked our music.  But there were a few metal heads and punk fans there wich made everything fun.  There were tons of girls there but most were EMO- CHICKS (which are as bad if not worse the dudes).  We played good and at the end of the set we trashed Dan's set.  After the chaos we realized the we broke his snare right in half.  Oh well thats rock and roll.  We ended the night in the usual fashion of driving the trailer home with a drunken Styx and Duff in the back.  So long Dan.  You were one of my best freinds.  I hope you do well wherever you are.  Good luck and never let the bastards get you down.  LONG LIVE ROCK AND ROLL.  .

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