Two area bands, Officially Terminated and AnchondO, will take to the downtown stage Friday during
John C. Fremont Days.
Officially Terminated of Fremont includes 19-year-olds Dan Carlson, Eric Hansen, Sam Morris, and 18-year-old
Mike Jones.
Carlson, the drummer, and Jones, the bass player, started the band before the other two joined.
Before the addition of Hansen on vocals and Morris playing guitar, the group had several other members.
Morris said the band had a different sound with the other members.
"We've kind of changed the style of the band, made it a little more..mature, a little more down to earth,"Morris
Morris describes the band as having a "straight-ahead-rock 'n' roll-leaning-closer-to-an-old-school-punk
He said in its beginning stages the band had a more heavy metal sound.
"when I joined, it was more of a heavier band --almost a hardcore band," Morris said. "We changed into a
more of a straight ahead rock 'n' roll wild and nasty band."
The current lineup has been together since March 2003, and members have performed about 30 shows together.
They've plaed at various locations in Nebraska and Iowa, bars, legion halls and even a talent show at Wal-Mart.
"We play everywhere that they let us play at," Morris said.
The band plays for fans anywhere from 13 to 20 years old.
However, Hansen said, all age groups can enjoy the show.
"Id say if you're not under 12 and not over 60," he said.
The band will play both original and cover songs. Some bands the group covers include The Sex Pistols, The
Ramones and The Misfits. Group members said they will play 10 songs and about three of them will be covers.
Members said they hope the future brings more success to their band.
"I just want to get big enough so that chicks dig us," Carlson said.
Opening for Officially Terminated will be AnchondO, a band from Omaha.
"Which is kind of weird because they're way bigger than us," Hansen said.
the two bands met while performing at wayne state college.
"We've opened for them before," Morris said. "They're friends of ours and we decided to ask them because
they're bigger in Omaha and we're bigger in Fremont than they are."
AnchondO plays music with a unique mix of Latin, rock, ska and reggae.
"The one thing about our music that we really like about it is that it appeals to young and old crowds,'
guitar player Hector Anchondo said.
the band had been together for about three years when recently it lost a guitar player and the bass player.
AnchondO, 24, and drummer Alex Mosher, 18, are the two remaining group members.
Recently, they added dylan Wade as a new guitar player.
currently, the band is searching for a bass player. While they are searching for a bass player, they are
using fill-in bass players for their shows. AnchondO also is playing some shows solo with his own material.
"Just me and the good old acoustic guitar," he said.
The band is working to finish its next album, "The Audience is Waiting." It has been about two years since
their last album was released. the new album release party will be Aug. 13 at sokol Auditorium in Omaha.
the bands will start playing at 8 p.m. Friday in Fremont and will play until 10:30 p.m.
"its just a good place for teens to come and have a good time." Morris said.